For the financially challenged, cancer treatment can be challenging on multiple levels. Mahaveer Ashray in Sriperumbudur, a hospice care that functions as a unit of Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar, seeks to address one of them.
Growing numbers of poorer people are being diagnosed early with lung cancer after the NHS began on-the-spot chest screening in the back of trucks at supermarkets and health centres.
“I honestly hadn’t expected it to work.” That’s Yiyin Erin Chen, assistant professor of biology at MIT. Chen and some colleagues at Stanford had eliminated an aggressive form of skin cancer from mice — simply by rubbing a swab of bacteria on their furry little heads.
Chandigarh: For timely detection and treatment, Punjab has launched a new initiative to screen patients for oral cancer in the public health institutions.
Cancer symptoms are often vague and subtle. Such is the case for lung cancer, in which there are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages.
Study finds that while healthy diet has no impact on prostate cancer risk, a bad diet may increase risk of aggressive prostate cancer.
Testicular cancer is the cancer that starts in the testicles of men, which is responsible for sperm production and the hormone testosterone.
The researchers compared its results with those of the standard PSA test – and found that PSE significantly enhances overall detection accuracy for at-risk men.
Experts emphasized on the importance of early cancer screening and detection to combat the disease at the incipient stage. Speaking at an event organized by
Most cancers do not show symptoms in their early stages and even if they do, they can be easily mistaken for other benign conditions.
Liver cancer is usually classified into two types, primary and secondary. Primary liver cancer develops in the cells of the liver, while secondary liver cancer starts when the cancer cells from another organ spread to the liver.
New Delhi [India], February 4 (ANI): India will see a surge in cancer cases in the coming years which can go upto 20 lakhs per year by 2026